[Main Story] Chapter 6: Storm of Youth, Page 19

Each Person’s Uneasiness

(It is evening. The band finishes their practice in the music room.)

Everyone       Great work!

Kojiro            Bye-bye, Sensei!

Ijeong            We will leave it t’ya tomorrow too!

Sensei            Alright, do be careful on your way back.

Reito              Mochizuki, let’s go.

Aoto              Right.

Mitsuyuki     Reito, are you working part-time at Kuttsuriya today?

Reito              Yeah. Well, we’ll be off first. See you tomorrow!

Akane            Right, go give it yer all.

Osei               Ahh, I’m starvingg. I could eat a horse.

Soshu            What’re you saying. Let’s stop lazing around and leave right away. We’ve got our math homework to submit tomorrow. And I’m sure you haven’t even completed that, anyway.

Osei               Guh!? Geez, don’t remind me of stuff like that~. You’re making me even hungrier than before.

Soshu            Seriously…

Hibiku            Oh…? You aren’t leaving, Kuramoto-kun?

Takara            Ahh…yup. I figured I should stay behind to practice.

Takara            So I’ve already bought onigiri and yakisoba bread from the school store. I’ll just eat this and do my best.

Soshu            I see. Be sure not to overexert yourself.

Takara            Yup, thanks.

Seriya            (…Seriously, Takara sure is admirable. Perhaps I shall join him to practice, if it’s just for a while.)

Seriya            …Taka—

(Yasuhito approaches him.)

Yasuhito        Seriya-senpai.

Yasuhito        Will you be able to study in time?

Seriya            …Are you a mind-reader?

Yasuhito        …I’d use those powers in far more beneficial ways if I had them, you know. Well, it’s all up to you so this is none of my business though.

Seriya       Huh…!?

Seriya            Don’t tell me, Yassuu, that you’re…! Are you worrying about me?

Yasuhito        Excuse me…?

Seriya            What, that’s so cute of you!

Yasuhito              Sigh, I shouldn’t have told him anything…

(Someone is practicing on the rooftop.)



(Takara is practicing in the music room.)

Takara            ♪~~♪~~~

(The doors to the room slide open.)

Clatter clatter—

Sensei            Kuramoto-kun?

Takara            Sensei… Oh? Is it already time for school to close?

Sensei            No, not yet. I was just hoping to have a chat with you.

Sensei            You sure are passionate. Recently, you’ve been coming far earlier than when morning practice is supposed to start, too.

Takara            Ahaha… I’m terrible, after all. I’ve got to practice way more than the others.

Takara            I thought about it after participating in the Chunichi Contest.

Takara            About how good the other schools’ performances were, when I’d listened to them from the stage wings.

Takara            About how it won’t do, if I continue being like this.

Sensei            …It does make one feel uneasy, doesn’t it. To see how good everyone around you is.

Takara            Eh…

Sensei            I was afraid of standing onstage during competitions myself, back when I’d first started. …The other schools’ performances that I could hear from the stage wings had sounded super good.

Sensei            I won’t be able to play in that manner…was what I’d thought. Often.

Takara            So you’d felt the same way too, when you’d just started out.

Sensei            Takara-kun, that’s…something that I’d continued to feel even as a second and a third-year, you know.

Takara            Eh? It was…!?

Sensei            Yes. …As a first-year, I couldn’t help being so scared because I was terrible, and even after becoming a second-year, I still felt as if I had a long way to go…

Sensei            When I’d become a third year, I kept wondering if my juniors would be able to improve even more…had I been even better…

Takara            ……

Sensei            You know, you aren’t terrible in any way, Kuramoto-kun. You’re able to perform properly, within two months of starting the tuba.

Sensei            Even if you’ve made a mistake while performing, you’re able to resume your playing afterwards. You’ll most certainly get better, with that strength in you.

Takara            ……Yes!

(The school bell rings.)

Ding dong ding dong

School Announcement     Everyone, it’s almost time for school to close for the day—

Takara                      Ah…

Sensei                      Let’s go home, shall we.

Takara                      Yes. Ah, I’ll go get Minato!

Sensei                      Eh? Iizuka-kun?

Takara                      Yes, he said that he’ll be practicing as well… He’s on the roof alone right now, so I’ll go get him!


(Minato recalls his conversation with Junta.)

Minato           (It’s wrong to play according to the score, too.)

Minato           (How come…)

Minato           (It’s fun playing with everyone. Our sound spreads far and beyond, with lots of sparkling colours—)

Minato           (But—)

(He recalls Junta’s words.)

Minato           (The other schools…)

Minato           (Why must our performance…be compared to the other schools’…why—)

(The door to the rooftop opens violently.)


(Takara joins him.)

Takara            Minato, let’s leave! Keep your trumpet, hurry…!

Minato           Mm?

Takara            C’mon, the school’s closing in five minutes…! Let’s go home together, Minato!

(The vice-principal is talking to Sensei in the staff room.)

Vice-Principal         Seriously. The band’s always waiting until the last minute… Listen up, Sensei!

Sensei                      Y-Yes…!

Vice-Principal         …I’ve been hearing that the band members have been sleeping during lessons of late.

Vice-Principal         I won’t be impressed if they get so eager about practicing that they neglect the most important part of their studies, you know.

Vice-Principal         Club activities may be important, but the main role of a student is to study after all! It’ll be fine as long as they don’t fail their end-of-terms, though…seriously.

Sensei                      …I’ll be sure to talk to the students about this. My apologies.

Vice-Principal         …Whew. Well, I’ll be counting on you to, then.

Ushio                       The band sure is lively huh~. Good work, Sensei.

Sensei                      Ahaha……

Ushio                       By the way, about that thing with Masuda-sensei… Any progress since then?

To be continued…

~ Next: Chapter 6, Page 20 ~


Aoto: …Please come again.
Reito: Sensei. We’ll work hard for the prefectural preliminaries…and for the Hokuriku qualifiers after that, so.

~ Previous: Chapter 6, Page 18 ~

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