[Event Story] Grave! Monochrome Easter ~Finale~, Extra Page 1

Natural-Born Charm Cannon

One week after the Monochrome Easter event.

Daisuke, Ryotaro, Mashu, Takara, Yahiko, and Mikio go through the Easter Event videos that were filmed for the WinBo official website—

Mashu           Woww! So this is how they’d filmed us! Don’t you think we all look super duper cool!?

Yahiko           Hm, as I would expect of Mole-kun. He’s grasped all of our positive aspects without missing anything.

Takara            It was the owner who’d helped to film us during the contest, wasn’t it. Ahaha, everyone’s transformed into Rabbit Kings.

Daisuke         All of the programs were exciting, but the cheers were the loudest for the contest, weren’t they!

Ryotaro         Indeed. ‘Yumemidori’ is a store that focuses on performances, so I’m glad that people enjoyed the other elements that were present as well.

Mikio             Contests are fun for both the participants and the spectators, after all.

Mashu           Speaking of that contest! It sucks that my Rabbit King lost even though I pulled it off so coolly and sharply~!

Daisuke         Yahiko may have been chosen as the king, but everyone’s performance including yours was also wonderful!

Ryotaro         Rather than that of a Rabbit King, Yahiko’s performance was just that of the usual Yahiko…

Ryotaro         But it was impactful as it had taken an approach that was different from those of the other contestants, and his interactions with the audience were quite exciting after all. That’s a result I can be satisfied with.

Mikio             Man, it’s only Yahiko-senpai who can ask the guests about the Rabbit Kings that they have in mind and speak of that, huh.

Yahiko           The order of performances had also played a part in my performance being memorable to the audience, I’m sure. Mine was the last, after all.

Takara            I’m the sort who’ll get nervous if I’m up last, but did it really just feel like the usual for you, Yahiko-senpai?

Yahiko           I was not anxious, but I was full of exhilaration.

Mikio             Exhilaration…you say?

Yahiko           It was right after I’d observed all of your performances, after all. I could hardly contain my excitement.

Mashu           Whoa, I see! How did our performances look to you, Yakkun-senpai!?

Yahiko           Indeed…these would be my subjective opinions, but—

Yahiko           You were a charming king, Alpaca-kun. Your earnest acting and true self that we got to see occasionally had enhanced how charming you were.

Mashu           Whee, I did it! I sure hope I’ll get more fans from that performance☆

Yahiko           Manatee-kun was a king we’d feel familiar with. Your focus on being a kind king set yourself apart from the others.

Mikio             Really? I’d been uneasy about whether I was kingly, so that’s a relief…

Yahiko           Ryotaro was a king that charmed his people through his charisma, I suppose. It came across as if you’d commanded your people with your taciturn conduct.

Ryotaro         Haha…so you mean it really was the right choice for me to remain silent, huh.

Yahiko           Chameleon-kun was a king who walked with his people, I see. Although you’d built it off Iizuka-kun, you’d become a king that was quite like you.

Takara            I see…! Fufu, I’ll have to be thankful to Minato.

Yahiko           Finally…Maruyama-kun. Your king was truly a regal one with dignity.

Yahiko           Your expressions, your words, and your tone…all of it had transformed into those of a king, and it was truly deeply intriguing to watch.

Daisuke         To think that you’d appraise me in such a manner… I’m so happy that I’m at a loss for words, Yahiko-kun!

Yahiko           Overall, I feel happy that I was able to participate as well. I enjoyed myself, seeing each of your kings.

Takara            I enjoyed your performance as well, Nanri-senpai!

Takara            The sort of idea that your very self was the Rabbit King is one that I’d definitely never come up with, myself…

Takara            Your technique to make use of that and converse with the guests to liven up the venue was also impressive.

Ryotaro         Nah… Well, rather than a technique, I sense that Yahiko was just doing what he’d wanted to do, though.

Takara            You’re the King of Kings, aren’t you! You made me want to go to your country to have a look.

Yahiko           Heh… I see.

Mashu           Ah, Yakkun-senpai’s looking kinda happy~! Taka-kun’s blown up his ‘Natural-Born Charm Cannon’!!1

Daisuke         A natural-born charm cannon?

Mashu           Serichan-senpai said so. That Taka-kun grasps the hearts of others without being conscious of it.

Mikio             Haha, I see. Indeed, Takara does say some rather astonishing things so smoothly every now and then, after all~.

Ryotaro         And apparently it’s something even Yahiko can’t escape from, huh… Heh.

Takara            ?

Yahiko           You’re really rather interesting, Chameleon-kun. I shall be adding you to my subjects of observation.

Takara            Your subjects of observation…? I don’t really get it, but I understand!

Yahiko           Well then, allow me to conduct a detailed inspection of you. First of all, in the morning—

(The others watch them.)

Ryotaro・MashuMikio  ……

Mikio                         Nanri-senpai’s so motivated to learn about Takara, isn’t he… I wonder if we ought to stop him?

Ryotaro                   Well..it’s fine as long as Kuramoto’s up for it, isn’t it? I’ll intervene if it appears to be escalating, though.

Daisuke                    The pair have gotten along very well, I see!

Mashu                      They don’t seem like the sort to be together, but Yakkun-senpai and Taka-kun may be surprisingly compatible, aren’t they.

Mikio                         That crossed my mind too. The conversation never ends whenever the pair are talking, huh.

Mashu                      Mm, but I’m a bit jealous that only Taka-kun and Yakkun-senpai are getting along well now! I wanna be friends with everyone too!

Daisuke                    I feel you, Mashu-kun! Let us join in their conversation as well, and further deepen our camaraderie with one another, shall we!

Mikio                         Ahaha, maybe I should join as well, then. I’d be happy if I get along well with everyone too, anyway.

Mashu                      Mm-hmm, let’s do that!! Taka-kun! Yakkun-senpai! Let us join in too!!

(Ryotaro watches them all.)

Ryotaro         (Heh… You’re being surrounded by your juniors aren’t you, Yahiko. You’ve got such a great expression on you, haven’t you.)

Ryotaro         (The number of new customers at ‘Yumemidori’ have also increased after the event, it seems, and we’ve gotten to enjoy ourselves to the fullest, and deepen our bonds as well…)

Ryotaro         (We’ll never forget the Monochrome Easter event this time, I’m sure.)

(Takara joins him.)

Takara            Itsuki-senpai! Won’t you come join us too? We happen to be talking about your performance right now…

Ryotaro         Hahah, very well. I shall.

Translator’s Notes

1 Natural-Born Charm Cannon (天然たらし炮): In all honesty, ‘charm’ is a pretty watered-down way of translating 「天然たらし」(ten’nen tarashi). The more literal meaning would be ‘Natural Born Lady-Killer’ (gasp), except that we know that, well, Yahiko isn’t a lady.


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