[Event Story] Grave! Monochrome Easter ~Finale~, Page 1

The Type to Learn Naturally

Takara, Ryotaro, Daisuke, and Yahiko come to listen to a live performance in the jazz café ‘Yumemidori’ at Izuru’s introduction—

While they are there, Daisuke proposes a certain suggestion—

Daisuke         How about we deliver a performance as Ibuki Concert Band onstage at ‘Yumemidori’ as well?

Daisuke         We’ll put in effort through announcements and promotions, to have many guests come to ‘Yumemidori’!

Yahiko           Oho…and the essence of that would be?

Daisuke         I’m certain that, as you all have said, there are many people who would like to listen to a live performance up close, you know.

Daisuke         So I figured that there’d be more opportunities for a variety of people to listen to live performances if we were to be performers here, you see.

Ryotaro         I see… We’ve got our own social media accounts after all, so we may be able to help with gathering customers to this store.

Takara            I approve as well! I’d be happy if many different people could listen to a live performance, anyway.

Yahiko           Aye, there are no reasons for me to object, either.

While Daisuke goes off to discuss things with the owner of ‘Yumemidori’—

Yahiko           By the way, Kuramoto-kun. You appeared to have you eyes shut while listening to the performance, but i wonder if there was any reason behind that?

Takara            Ah, you caught me huh… Ahaha, that’s kinda embarrassing. Let’s see, there isn’t any reason in particular, but…

Takara            It feels as if the music is seeping into my body and soul, when I shut my eyes. So my eyes close naturally, as I listened to the performance.

Yahiko           Is that so. Then you must be the sort to take things in with your entire body, rather than mull over things in your mind.

Takara            Take things in with my entire body…? Hmm, you may be right in how I tend to act before I think.

Yahiko           Come to think of it, your fingers were also moving while you were listening to the performance, although your eyes were shut. You were moving them according to the tuba’s fingerings, weren’t you?

Takara            Eh! I did something like that!?

Yahiko           Haha, so it was subconscious, was it. Truly the very essence of ‘moving on autopilot’. How interesting.

Takara            Maan, I totally didn’t mean to at all. I wonder if it was because I was excited over getting to hear a tuba perform.

Takara            They were a performer with a different style from Seriya-senpai, so I’ve learnt that this was another way of playing, too.

Yahiko           Aye, there was a tubist amidst the performers today after all.

Yahiko           Heh, I’m glad that I had the privilege to witness the very moment in which you learnt something. You must have grown a little more from it, I’m sure.

Takara            Thank you very much! I learn things that I don’t notice on my own when I’m talking to you, and it’s a great takeaway.

Yahiko           All I did was fulfil my own sense of curiosity, you know. You’re rather the intriguing one, Kuramoto-kun. 

Takara            Ahaha, I’m relieved as long as you’re enjoying this.

Takara            If we’re really to perform onstage at ‘Yumemidori’, then let’s do it together, Nanri-senpai!

Yahiko           A performance, huh… I’d very much prefer to watch over you as an ‘observer’ rather than a ‘performer’, however.

The Monochrome Easter event was confirmed to be held at ‘Yumemidori’, and Takara was practicing on his own—

(Takara is playing the tuba alone in a classroom.)


Takara            (Okay… I’m starting to get a little hang of how they performed at ‘Yumemidori’ the other day.)

Takara            (Nanri-senpai did mention this, but I must be the type to get a sense of things by actually doing them, huhh.)

Takara            (Nanri-senpai, huh…)

(He recalls the time they were at ‘Yumemidori’.)

Takara            (Seriya-senpai always talks about this, but I really do feel that Nanri-senpai is the ‘owner of unique sensitivities’.)

Takara            (I’ve never spoken to Nanri-senpai that way until now, but that sure was interesting.)

Takara            (I sure hope that this event will give us many more reasons to talk again, though.)

Takara            Yup… I’m looking forward to both the performance and the event.

Takara            Come to think of it, both Seriya-senpai and Notohara-senpai are late today. It’s almost time for sectionals, though—

(The doors to the classroom slide open.)


Takara            Ah, great work-…eh!

To be continued…

~ Next: Page 2 ~


Yahiko: What did you channel into your music just now?
What sort of thoughts; what sort of sentiments? I’d like you to tell me.
Takara: Let’s see… Actually, I was thinking about you.

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