[Main Story] Chapter 6: Storm of Youth, Page 16

Nocturnals, Weak in the Morning Sun

(The skies are cloudy. Izuru is on his way to school in Nagamachi.)

Izuru              Yawn…

Izuru              (I-I’m so sleepy… I-It’s hard to wake up early, as I thought…morning practices are painful…)

Izuru              (Even though I was totally fine, practicing late into the night… Waking up early in the morning is…u-uuuh…)

(Kojiro and Daisuke are also on their way to school.)

Kojiro            Ah, there’s Izuru-kun~! Morning!

Daisuke         Morning, Izuru-kun.

Izuru              K-Kojiro-kun…Maruyama-senpai, g-good morning. 

Daisuke         What a refreshing morning…is something that I really can’t say of this weather, but let’s make today a fruitful one as well!

Izuru              O-Okay…!

Izuru              (Amazing…Kojiro-kun and Maruyama-senpai are so lively…from the morning…)

Kojiro            Oh yeah, you’re also bad with mornings aren’t you, Izuru. Me too, you know♪ That makes us the same doesn’t it~♪

Izuru              E-Ehh? A-Are you…?

Kojiro            Yup, I’m bad at waking up in the morning. But I’ve been trying my best and setting lots of alarms to wake up, ever since I joined the band.

Kojiro            I’ll be okay once I get out of bed, but I keep snuggling under the covers, and shutting off my alarms…ehehe.

Izuru              I-I get that…

Izuru              M-My mind still remains blank even after I wake up…though…

Daisuke         I see, if that’s the case then I feel it must also be tough for you to wake up early for morning practice. …I’d sure love for you to welcome your mornings with a refreshed feeling as well, Izuru-kun.

Daisuke         …Oh yes! This may be presumptuous of me, but allow me to give you a piece of advice.

Izuru              Eh, th-thank you…very much… S-Sorry…f-for you to do that…for the likes of me…

Daisuke         I feel it will be good if you were to get used to opening the curtains right after waking up, to sufficiently bask in the light of the sun.

Daisuke         Also, it may be easier for you to fall asleep if you were to not use your phone or computer for around two hours before sleeping.

Kojiro            Oh right, Nii-chan! Let’s give Izuru-kun your special herb tea to drink right before going to bed!

Daisuke         Brilliant! That’s a marvellous idea!

Daisuke         I’ll bring it for you right away tomorrow, so please do give it a try if you like.

Izuru              O-Okay…th-thank you, so much…

Kojiro            It’ll be nice if you can welcome a refreshing morning with this, Izuru-kun!

Daisuke         Yeah, I’m certain that you will!

Izuru              (…H-How blinding!)

Izuru              (Phones, computers, banned before sleeping… I-I’ll have to shave off some time……f-from watching videos…)

Izuru              ……

Kojiro            Izuru-kuun? What’s the matter? Let’s go soon, we’ll be late for morning practice you know!

Izuru              Ah, y-yup…s-sorry…!

(Sensei greets the band in the music room.)

Sensei            Good morning. Well then, let’s begin by practicing our basics again today.

Everyone       Got it!

Sensei            We’ll start off with our sound training first. …One, two…



Ding dong ding dong

(Minato, Takara, Soshu, Osei, Izuru, and Aoto get to the school canteen.)

Osei               We’re off! It’s a battle for the school food…!

Minato           Yeahh!

Soshu            You’re making a big deal out of things. And you’re really having fun getting Minato all fired up there, Osei…

Takara            Ahaha… But the school canteen sounds so exciting though. Since we didn’t have one in my middle school.

Aoto              Right. …Ah, I’ll go save some seats, so go get what you like.

Izuru              I-I’ll wait, t-too…

Osei               Oh, thanks! We’ll go secure our food first then! Minato, have you decided what you want to eat?

Minato           I have. The pork cutlet bowl and the daily special set!

Takara            Ehh…Minato, can you finish all of that?

(Meanwhile, Aoto and Izuru are waiting.)

Aoto                         …Izuru, you don’t look well.

Izuru                        E-Eh…m-me? I-I wonder…if I do…

Izuru                        (…So…so there are times…when I look like, I’m well…)

Aoto                         It’ll be better if you could get enough protein. From meat, fish, eggs, beans…anything that’s convenient for you.

Aoto                         Protein is power.

Izuru                        O-Okay…u-um…y-you…work, part time at Kuttsuriya, right?

Aoto                         Yeah.

Izuru                        I-Isn’t that tough? T-To have band practice…and school, and your job…that’s three things to handle.

Aoto                         …I guess. I can’t help out in the kitchen well, so it’s always tough to clean things up.

Izuru                        Eh?

Aoto                         Mm?

Izuru                        …Ah, I-I, I see. The kitchen…that sounds, tough. B-Be careful…of the knives, okay.

Aoto                         Yeah, thanks. I’ll be careful, not to break too many things.

Izuru・Aoto   …?

Aoto                         Are you tired out from doing something concurrently, Izuru?

Izuru                        Eh? Ah, no…uh, b-because…I must work hard for band.

Aoto                         …You’re right.

Aoto                         (I see, working hard for band practice is so tough for Izuru that it’ll tire him out huh. After all, Reito-senpai has also been looking tired of late…)

Aoto                         (Izuru, here…)

Izuru                        Eh? Um, what’s this…

Aoto                         A protein bar. It’ll really be better for you to get some protein…I think.

Izuru                        Ah, uhh…th-thanks…

Izuru                        (Today, I’ve made Maruyama-senpai and Kojiro-kun be concerned…about me…and I’m going to…end up getting some…herb tea too…)

Izuru                        (Even though everyone is working hard too…I-I really…am, so…useless…)

To be continued…

~ Next: Chapter 6, Page 17 ~


Yasuhito: Senpai, have you filled in your career aspiration survey properly?
Junta: Huh?

~ Previous: Chapter 6, Page 15 ~

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