Happy Birthday, Ijeong!

Today, 17 April 2024, is Ijeong’s Birthday!

How are the Wind Boys celebrating his birthday? Perhaps these translations of their birthday-limited homescreen lines can give us a glimpse into that…

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Ijeong            It really is The Best to have a birthday party while admiring the sakura, you know! Thanksies, everyone! I love you all!1

Minato           I like cherry blossoms because they’re pretty. It feels special somehow, when we’re performing under them.

Takara            I’m glad that there’s still beautiful sakura left. Ijeong-senpai really looked like he’d enjoyed himself, didn’t he!

Soshu            Sakura are beautiful flowers that look just like a dream, aren’t they. They’re reminiscent of Ijeong-senpai in some ways.

Osei               There’s always sakura mochi when there’s cherry blossom viewing~! The ones we ate at the birthday party today were also made with glutinous rice from my family’s store!

Hibiku            Fufu, I tried making a candle that embeds the petals that I’d picked up during the cherry blossom viewing.

Seriya            The sakura petals were beautiful, but Ijeopi was sparkling as much as they were.

Sogaku           It was pretty how the sakura petals fluttered down. I gathered lots of them you know, look.

Atsukage       You can say that cherry blossom viewing is a part of Japanese culture, after all. I’d certainly love for Ijeong to enjoy it as well.

Tsugumi        It’s charming how you can feel the seasons by having a birthday party under the sakura trees and admiring them, huh.

Mitsuyuki     Ijeong-kun looked so happy, getting to perform under the sakura trees. Fufu, I’m glad for him.

Reito              Ijeong really does love Japan, I see. I hope that the cherry blossom viewing will make for one of his memories of his time in Japan.

Toki                There’ll always be party tricks during a cherry blossom viewing session, right! I’ve gotta come up with one that will please Ijeong.

Ikuzo             It’s nice how beautiful it is to have a birthday party while admiring the cherry blossoms, isn’t it. The flowers really give you an artistic feel.

Yasuhito        I did a party trick at Ijeong-senpai’s request. Would you like to know what I did?

Junta              Everyone’s way too excited over admiring the sakura, aren’t they… Well they are pretty, so I don’t really mind.

Ryotaro         It was quite the luxurious birthday party to be held beneath the sakura trees, wasn’t it.

Izuru              Cherry blossom viewing…made Ijeong-senpai really happy…and I…w-was also…happy, too!

Akane            I’ve been thinkin’ ’bout a party trick fer Ijeong’s cherry blossom viewing birthday party, but mind helpin’ me choose which is better?

Daisuke         Ijeong-kun truly looked so happy, didn’t he. My heart feels full, just with that alone.

Kojiro            Ijeong-senpai seemed like he enjoyed himself, celebrating his birthday with everyone while admiring the cherry blossoms!

Aoto               Ijeong-senpai looked real happy, didn’t he. I felt at peace, just seeing the sakura and his smile.

Yahiko           The birthday celebration while admiring the sakura was quite a meaningful one, where we could also savour the change of the seasons.

Mashu           Ijeong-kun looks pretty as a picture with the sakura~! He was so cool that I was in love~.

Mikio             It’s happy to see that he loves Japanese culture, isn’t it. So the sakura are famous worldwide too, huh.

Kuri                Ijeong-senpai really loves Japan, I see. I was surprised that he wanted a birthday party while admiring the cherry blossoms.

Translator’s Notes

1 Ijeong’s Japanese: Ijeong’s picked up many odd words and phrases from his aunt’s friend. Most of them are obsolete and no longer used today. My choice of translations are an attempt to make him sound as eccentrically enthusiastic as possible. Below is all the slang that he’s used in this page, in order of appearance:

「最&高」(sai and kou) – The Best
「あざまる」(azamaru) – Thanksies

I won’t go into detail as to their original meanings here, but if you’re interested, I explain them here, in a dictionary of Ijeong-speak. I also link this within the translation every time he uses a new slang that hasn’t appeared before in the story.

🎉 Happy Birthday, Ijeong! 🎉
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