[Main Story] Chapter 6: Storm of Youth, Page 17

Regarding Career Pathways

(The students are listening to a talk delivered by an Ibuki alumnus in the gymnasium.)

Alumnus                  —I believe that lessons, club activities, and playing with your friends are some of the things that are important to you all.

Alumnus                  However, in order for you not to end up in panic, I would like you to try considering what you want to do in the future, and what your goals and aspirations are, while you still can.

Alumnus                  You can speak to your friends of course, but it will be good if you can also talk to your parents and relatives as you make your decision regarding your future career pathways.

Alumnus                  But still, I had personally decided on my aspirations late, only after I had gotten into university—

Junta                        (…Career pathways, huh. What a…burden.)

Junta                        (I don’t have anything that I want to do in particular. What I’m interested in is games…but rather than an interest, that’s a hobby huh.)

Junta                        (They say it’s hard to flourish as a pro gamer, so I should just let games stay as a hobby…)

Junta                        (It’s also troublesome to deal with people, so if there’s any job that I can do without talking to anyone, then that’s what I want.)

Junta                        ……

Junta                        (I wonder if that person left Kanazawa for Kanto, because they’d already been aiming to become a teacher since back then…)

Vice-Principal         And those were the speeches brought to you by the alumni of Class 2010. Thank you very much.

Vice-Principal         Well then, we will now be providing guidance regarding career aspirations and elective courses in the classrooms.

Vice-Principal         The entrance exams are not something far away to all of you second-year students. Do talk things through with your family and the people around you—

Vice-Principal         As you consider your career pathways and your futures please. Well then, let’s give a huge round of applause to all of our alumni.

(The students applaud.)


(Akane, Mikio, and Ikuzo walk down the corridor.)

Akane            We’re gonna be havin’ either a career aspiration survey or a talk on selectin’ electives after this, right? Mikio, which one’re ya gonna go fer.

Mikio             Mm, the entrance exams aren’t a concern for me after all. I’m better at the sciences than the arts, so I’ll pick the sciences though.

Mikio             What about you Akane?

Akane            I wonder… Nah, it’ll be better if I studied English huh…

Mikio             Eh…?

Akane            Sigh~…

Ikuzo             What’s with that? Akane’s bad at English, isn’t he…

Mikio             Ahh…isn’t it because he’s decided? On what he wants to do.

Ikuzo             …Hmm.

(Daisuke, Sogaku, Toki, and Junta walk down the corridor.)

Daisuke                    Our alumni’s talks were truly helpful, weren’t they.

Daisuke                    I could feel from their talks how important it is to face up to yourself in order to decide on the path you’ll take, even if you’re worried about the future.

Toki                          Mm, it’s really kinda hard to get huh.

Toki                          What we want to do in the future really isn’t something to worry over that much, right? I’d understand if there’s so much you want to do that you can’t make a choice, though…

Junta                        Huh…?

Toki                          Mm?

Junta                        …Nothing.

Junta                        (…Guys like Toki and the older Maruyama who’re like the classic representatives of those who live an honest life without hesitation wouldn’t get it, I’m sure.)

Toki                          Whaat iiss iitt! That just now! If there’s something you wanna say then say it; you’re our pal right?

Junta                        Ah? Who’s your pal… Saying things like that however you wish, sighh…

Sogaku                     Fufufu…! I forgot, but are you going to university, Toki-kun?

Toki                          Yeah. Once I graduate, it’ll be the U.S.A. for me!!!

Sogaku・JuntaDaisuke …?

Toki                          It’s what they call global expansion. If you’re a man, then dream big! With a bang in one blow! Right?

Toki                          Hahhahaha…!

Junta                        ……What’s this guy saying?

Sogaku                     I wonder if he means he’s got lots of big dreams~?

Daisuke                    Hahaha! How wonderful, Toki-kun! Dream big, and spread your wings out into the world, won’t you!

Junta                        ……

Junta                        (Everyone’s already decided, huh… Career pathways…career pathways…huh.)

Junta                        (I wonder if I won’t be able to see them again, once more…)

Class 2-A—

Mitsuyuki     (Let’s see, my first choice is…circle further education…school is—still undecided, there.)

Mitsuyuki     (The faculty is…education, there…)

Ijeong            Mitsuyuki, Mitsuyuki.

Mitsuyuki     What’s wrong?

Ijeong            How should I fill in a career aspirations survey?

Mitsuyuki     Let’s see…first, circle whether you want to go for further education, find work, or others—

Mitsuyuki     Then, fill in the name of the school or company in the blank beside it…and circle how you want to apply for university if you’ve chosen further education.

Ijeong            Mm. I see!

Mitsuyuki     Are you going for further education after you graduate, Ijeong-kun? Or are you going to find work?

Ijeong            I’d be others, I guess?

Mitsuyuki     …?

Ijeong            So, have you already decided on yours, Mitsuyuki?

Mitsuyuki     Yup, I…uhh…want to be a kindergarten teacher.

Ijeong            Wow, how lovely.

Ijeong            By kindergarten, you mean that you will be teaching little kids, right? You are kinds, so that is perfect for you.

Ijeong            I think that your dream is very lovely, you know.

Mitsuyuki     …You, think so? Thanks.

Class 2-C—

Class 2-C Form Teacher   Oi, Tsuji… Fill it in seriously, okay…?

Class 2-C Form Teacher   I won’t let you go for band if you don’t, got it? You get it right!

Reito                        Geez. …I know.

Reito                        Sighh…

Reito                        (Even though I’d just been thinking of graduating as soon as possible… I’ve never given any thought at all…to what happens after I graduate, and stuff.)

Reito                        (What’s something I want to do, besides music?)

Ding dong ding dong

Lunch break—

(Junta and Yasuhito are gaming together at the courtyard.)

Yasuhito        Senpai, did you fill in your club application form properly? …Ah, there’s not much time left until the raid battle ends.

Junta              Huh?

Yasuhito        …So you haven’t written it, as I suspected.

Junta              How did you know.

Yasuhito        Because you’re easy to read, Minoike-senpai. ……Ah, I’m striking right now so wait for a while.

Junta              I’ll take them down.

Junta              ……They’re down.

Yasuhito        We’ve won. Ahh, regarding your course, it’ll be better if you can make your decision earlier, you know.

Junta              …Why are you telling me that?

Yasuhito        Well, you’ve been taking care of me after all. …I figured I wouldn’t hope for you to get in a panic, the way someone else is right now.

Junta              …?

Yasuhito        …Don’t worry about it.

To be continued…

~ Next: Chapter 6, Page 18 ~


Tsugumi: All right, shall we do our best as well?
Mashu: Yeeesss! Mashu’ll shu his best-shu!

~ Previous: Chapter 6, Page 16 ~

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