Happy Birthday, Mochizuki Aoto!

Today, 10 January 2022, is Aoto’s Birthday!

How are the Wind Boys celebrating his birthday? Perhaps these translations of their birthday-limited homescreen lines can give us a glimpse into that…

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Aoto               Thank you, very much. This is kinda embarrassing, isn’t it… But I’m happy.

Minato           We’ll be having a party at Kuttsuriya. A slightly mature party, with coffee.

Takara            Aoto’s quite indifferent about his own birthday, so we’ve got to celebrate it with him a lot, right.

Soshu            We plan to have a grand party at Kuttsuriya after school. Do join us as well, Sensei.

Osei               I really wanna give him the real deal, but…I’ll really just have to make do with ‘Kabayaki-kun’ for now…!1

Hibiku            He’s amazing for having an abs training battle on his birthday… Perhaps I should burn some aroma for him that’s effective to counter fatigue.

Seriya            Mocchii’s always mature, isn’t he. That’s right! How would going to spoil and indulge him sound!

Sogaku           I hung down from Aoto-kun’s arm. He was pleased when I said that he’d trained his muscles well, you know~.

Atsukage       The phrase ‘presence of mind’ suits Mochizuki well. I believe that his coolness and composure is something that we can learn from.

Tsugumi        Pant, pant… Is there seriously someone else out there who’ll say they want to have an abs training battle as a present…?

Mitsuyuki     After discussing with Akane, I gave a set of citric drinks to Aoto-kun as a present.

Reito              Although I’d told that guy that I’d do his share of his part-time job, he told me that he’d ‘wanted to work his job together with Senpai’, you know…

Ijeong            That was close… I was just about to buy him anago if you did not tell me about it, Sensei!2

Toki                I bought a crap ton of ‘Kabayaki-kun’ together with Osei, man. There’s lots to go around, so wanna have one, Sensei?

Ikuzo             Aoto gets surprisingly pleased at adorable desserts, doesn’t he. His reaction was cool, but he looked happy.

Yasuhito        Please teach him that he ought to be saying thanks instead of sorry, when someone gives him a present.

Junta              That guy’s so chill. It’s the people around him that’re getting so hyped up…

Ryotaro         I’ve got to properly celebrate his birthday, as a fellow bass player. I was at a loss, but I’d gifted him a handkerchief.

Izuru              Mochizuki-kun…likes working out, so…I was wondering if he’d be pleased…at chocolate-flavoured protein…

Akane            Pant, pant, Aoto and Tsugumi-senpai were having an abs training battle, but when I tried participating…I can’t, it’s tough.

Daisuke         He’s taken good care of Kojiro, so I intend to treat him with some special hospitality today, you know.

Kojiro            Look, Sensei! It’s a teddy bear that’s holding a bass clar. I’ve been looking for cute merch that suits Aoto-kun!

Yahiko           Rather than physical age, one’s mental age relates even more closely to the toughness of their flesh; looking at him makes you ascertain that.

Mashu           His birthday’s only about half a year before mine, but Ao-kun’s way too mature and it’s unbelievable, you know!?

Mikio             I tried making him a coffee jelly cake. It seems stoic, and also holds back on the calories.

Kuri                Mochizuki’s reactions are mild, but it’s easy to tell when he’s pleased. Giving him my wishes was worth it.

Translator’s Notes

1 Kabayaki-kun (蒲焼くん): This is a parody and reference to its real-life counterpart「蒲焼さん太郎」(Kabayaki-san Taro), a cheap Japanese fish jerky snack meant to replicate the taste of kabayaki, an unagi dish.

2 Anago (穴子): Also known as conger eel, this is a dish similar to unagi (eel), Aoto’s favourite food. Here is a very comprehensive article on what the differences are between the two.

🎉 Happy Birthday, Mochizuki Aoto! 🎉
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